Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Newest Addition

Well, if you've ever wondered what Phil does when he goes away for Navy stuff, let me tell you:) He had to go to Colorado Springs for two weeks to oversee a project there. Timing wise it worked out perfect because he has just finished up the two houses in Star Valley.

Anyway, they have been working really hard and ahead of schedule. So for the weekend he was going to relax and go to a Renaissance Festival. But, on his way, he passed a Harley Davidson shop that was having a big know Phil, couldn't just drive by! (They were having a sale!!!!) So, now we have a problem of how to get his old Harley to Colorado Springs to pick up the new Harley!!!! I know everyone is probably really feeling sorry for us at this point:)

We had such a great trip to Yellowstone over the 4th of July that we talked about getting a bigger road bike "when we get older". Well, can you guess how old I feel now because that was just a few weeks ago....anyway, I'm excited! Can't wait to go on a ride!!!

Can't wait to see what he brings back from New York in September!!!


mallari said...

Ha ha that is so typical of dad! He is such a "deal" hunter! But is it still a deal if it costs you more than 10K?? Ha ha ha.