Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I decided that it would be a good idea to take a minute and write about how we met. When I think about it, it sounds like a fairy tale - kinda hard to believe. But, it was definitely amazing and absolutely meant to be!

On August 22, 2007 I was madly getting ready for the following day - "the first day of school". Just checking my email before I went to bed. I had a message on which I usually deleted. I was happy with my life, just taken back my maiden name and very busy in my life. However, this time I had a hard time pushing the delete button. Seemed crazy because I wasn't a member and I couldn't read the email. So much to do I just left it. Had a great day with my little 3rd grade munchkins. Then once again I decided to check my email which was usually just deleting the junk mail. Huh, had a flirt from Yippeewahoo. The name definitely grabbed my attention, but left it at that. For 5 days it really bothered me that I couldn't read his email. So the cheap-skate I am decided I would splurge and spend the $15 for a month to be able to read it. Hoped he was worth it and not a waste of $$$.

Well, what can I say. Then the instant messaging began. 5-6 hours a night. He was so easy to talk to and kept me laughing all the time. Definitely impressed with his "honesty". Couldn't figure out why he was telling me so much, but I did appreciate it. This went on until Labor Day. He said he would be coming through and would like to meet. (That's a whole other story:) I was having an anxiety/panic attack and decided we could meet in Logan. That would be a safe place to leave him if he turned out to be another "single dweeb"! But as the day went on, I decided that I needed to go up the canyon to pick up my mail and I thought he would probably like Deer Cliff. So, when he finally called, we met at the bottom of the canyon and we cruised. As we ate and talked, I knew that night that he was definitely someone that I wanted to be with.

That is when the whirlwind began:

Tuesday, Sept. 4th Had to pick up his dogs in Salt Lake from doggy jail. Came through Riverdale to see me. Had a terrible thunderstorm while the Young Men& Women were floating the river - he got to see what my life is about! Kids came out to meet him.

Thursday, Sept. 6th School canceled due to collapsed roof (Yippee!!!) Called me to meet him at Jensen Lumber. Drove to Bear Lake and talked for hours!!!

Saturday, Sept. 8th Brought the 4-wheelers over and rode up the canyon to the ice caves. Stopped and fished along the way.

A week of instant messaging:)

Friday, Sept. 14th Had a nice dinner at Maddox Inn in Brigham City on his way to drill. Came out to the truck and he pulled out a diamond and gave to me!!!! It was absolutely beautiful. WOW!!! I will say that I don't think I have ever been so surprised in my life and I didn't hesitate for a second. I knew I wanted to spend my life with Phil. I never had any doubt - which is so out of my character.

THEN THE FUN BEGAN - TRYING TO EXPLAIN THIS STORY TO 8 KIDS:) It was definitely a "do as I say, NOT a do as I do" situation!!!!

We immediately started working on our temple cancellation & clearance and for the next 3 1/2 months, waiting to hear, it felt like eternity. But I have to say, he was definitely worth the wait. Someone I've waited for my entire life!!!! We were sealed in the Logan Temple on December 22, 2007.

P.S. He was definitely worth the $$$$