Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fall Again

Wow, where did the summer go? Had a fantastic summer!!! Was able to finally spend time with my husband and now reality has hit - I have to settle into fall and being back in school:)

Had a great summer vacation! Loved being in Star Valley with Phil and watching him finish the two homes he's been working on. Learned that I shouldn't do "my whistle" and scare my husband to death though:( OOPS! Phil took me to HUCKLEBERRY HEAVEN!!! We had a mid-life crisis together - the new Harley! Great Archibald family reunion - nice to meet and get to know everyone better. Spent as much time as possible with the kids.

NEW ADVENTURE IN 2ND GRADE (after 17 years in 3rd)

I am learning many new things in 2nd grade. I go home laughing every day! A few things that really jump out at me are:

1. I need steel toed shoes - my feet get stepped on daily!
2. 2nd graders lose a lot more teeth than 3rd graders...realized that when a tooth that had been lost the night before was on the floor during reading time. Teaching moment: STOP, do show & tell and put the tooth in the backpack.
3. 2nd graders are great at getting frosting ALL OVER their faces while eating a cupcake. So dang cute to see these brightly, colored smiles as I sent them to the restroom to wash up.

Can't wait for each new day to learn something new!!!


The Gublers said...

Love your blog! I can't wait to see you again this December. Love you!

Stevie (Hull) Emerson *vulgar vixen* said...

ahhh, yes, fall time always brings back such great memories of birthdays and dead elk... and this year is shaping up to be just like the past 25!