Saturday, August 16, 2008

No "butts" about it!

Well, we did it. We got our new Harley home! It was a lot of miles, but definitely worth it:)

I can say that now after 1300 miles of riding that what an adventure. Phil flew home from Colorado Springs after being there for 2 weeks with the Navy. We loaded the Harley, headed to Bountiful for a going away party for Kyle & Makayla, spent the night with Stevie & Rich and started the adventure.

Monday morning we hooked up with Casey & Korahle and Kyle & Makayla for the trek across Wyoming:) BORING!!! What more can I say...oh, there is a lot of sage brush:) Nice trip - time to talk and relax. Had a chance to stop at the rest stop where Phil had his "heroic" experience at the rest stop. So hard to comprehend it all and the emotions of it, but nice to be there with him and have him tell us the story.

Then down the road - and more sage brush. Had a hard time telling Kyle & Makayla good-bye! But so excited for them and their new adventure.

(so nice to be behind the camera all the time!!!!)

Then we headed south into Colorado and spent the night in Colorado Springs. The Harley store didn't open soon enough - I was so excited to finally see the bike!!! After "Good-bye" to the old one...he doesn't seem to sad about this now does he?!?

We now said good-bye to Casey & Korahle and sent them home on their trek back across Wyoming (thank goodness they came! I don't think my toosh could have made it both ways!) and we headed across Colorado on the ROAD nice. The trip was wonderful. It was so beautiful despite the few storms we went through. Took two days, rested overnight and was able to spend some time with Mal, Zach and Eliza (Oh and celebrated Zach's birthday!!!) before heading off on the bike again!

Got up the next morning and headed to Twin Falls to go to the temple open house with Chance & Rachel. Some doughhead forgot how far it was to Twin and we raced in, changed clothes QUICKLY and headed to the temple. It was awesome! Was able to watch Chance play in a baseball tournament and to be able to see Chance & Rachel's place too - before they moved back to Preston! We spent the night and "Hit the road" again. I just love sitting back and enjoying the ride:)


The Gublers said...

cool cool! You are such a harley babe now!