Thursday, July 24, 2008

Potato Canon

Yep! I now know what a potato canon is!!!! Gone my whole, entire, long life without ever being exposed to such a device and now my life has definitely been enlightened:)

You know me, trying to get everything just right for Phil's family reunion which would be at our house. So, I'm frantically trying to get the house cleaned, figure out what food we needed to buy and all the other stuff to worry about with reunions.

I'm so grateful I have such a supportive husband! He was also worrying:) Not about the things I was, but making sure he had all the parts for his potato canon! We had to go to the storage unit and rummage through things to find them. Then, when I thought he was purchasing plumbing supplies for the spec home (which he was), he was also buying the end caps. Then when we go to Afton, I think we bought King's and Family Dollar out of cheap hair spray. He couldn't find all Aqua Net which I hear has the best punch to it. To top it all off, we had a long day getting all his loose ends tied up so he could go to Colorado for the Navy for two weeks. So finally, after going back to the storage unit and finding the priceless Ferguson sack, we located the end caps he had bought. Yeah, you go it....we didn't leave there until around 9:30...but we had all the potato cannon parts.

The next day was busy getting the final things done around the house and going to Logan to pick up food. But I sensed a bit of tension in my funny husband's voice when we stopped in Smithfield to get a 50 pound bag of Idaho potatoes and they didn't have any. So, yes, we went into Preston - couldn't go home without them!!!

It was a really fun weekend! I loved watching my husband as he demonstrated his canon for all those who would watch. It was pretty amazing. They were launching spuds, corn, sticks and everything else they could cram down the barrel and boy did they fly. Definitely had altitude and distance.

But the priceless part was seeing him so excited and having so much fun!!!! Definitely one of his strengths - always having fun! Gotta love him for that too:)


mY said...

hi there, like your blog..sure you enjoy the potato canon! is it a celebration or can be done any day in a year?